Need a quick League of Legends how to get blue essence walk-through? We’ve got you covered! Learn all you need to know about BE including what it is, what it’s for, and how you can get more of it in-game.
Whether you’re looking to buy a new champion, or buff up your account with some extra rune pages – you’ll need Blue Essence (BE) to get the job done.
And while Blue Essence is entirely free – most folks wonder how to get it quickly and efficiently in League of Legends.
So, to help you wrap your head around how BE works, we’ve put together this little guide.
Let’s dive right in!
What Is Blue Essence In LoL?
Blue Essence is one of the main forms of currency you can get in League of Legends. The other form of currency is Riot Points (RP). The difference is that players have to pay for Riot Points.
Of course, this doesn’t include the various Hextech Crafting reagents like orange essence – we’ll cover that in another guide, as it’s a pretty intricate system.
Is Blue Essence The Same As IP?
The short answer to whether or not IP and BE are one and the same is actually a resounding yes! Blue Essence used to be called Influence Points (IP) before Riot did an overhaul on the game’s major systems some couple of years ago in patch V7.22.
But why did it change to BE?
Technically, it didn’t really change. Instead, IP merged with BE.
Riot decided to get rid of the Level 30 cap and introduced a leveling system that has a corresponding rewards system that scales with a player’s level. And Blue Essence is an integral part of that scaling system.
What Can You Do With Blue Essence In League?
Now that you’ve got some Blue Essence and you know what it is, it’s time to go shopping!
But what can you buy with this stuff? Lots of fun things!
Here are some things you can use BE for in LoL:
- A new paint job for your skin aka a new Chroma Skin.
- Get more rune pages.
- Master your champion at Level 6 or 7.
- Change your name in LoL.
- Buy that newly released champion for your roster.
- Get awesome special content from the Essence Emporium.
League of Legends How To Get Blue Essence
As you have read, there are a lot of great things you can get with Blue Essence. But you can’t buy stuff if you don’t have any money, right?
Let’s go through a few of the ways the game allows you to get some for yourself.
Thankfully, there’s really no shortage to the many different methods of obtaining Blue Essence in League of Legends. We will cover them in this section and explain each method in a bit more detail to help you really understand how to efficiently fam BE in-game.
Summoner Level Up
After all that hard work in-game, who wouldn’t want to get rewarded, right?
The nice thing is that when you level up, you receive a champion capsule after reaching level 5.
These tend to contain a pre-set scaling amount of Blue Essence. The capsules will also have champion shards that can be disenchanted to get even more BE out of them.
Getting Your First Win Of The Day
Anyone remember that little rhyme from when you were a kid? “First the worst, second the best, and third the golden eagle”.
Not necessarily the case here as it is only 50 BE when you win a game every 24 hours. But if you try and play every day, you could get up to 350 BE a week from just getting your first win of the day.
Event Missions
“Your mission, should you choose to accept it…” – though Riot won’t let you get too greedy with this one.
Players can only do a certain amount of missions during an event. But when it comes to the missions themselves, the more difficult they are, the more Blue Essence comes as a reward.
Buying a Battle Pass will also let you take part in more missions that come with even more Blue Essence – making events a fairly efficient way to farm up some extra BE if you’re running low.
Salvaging Champions & Shards
This method closely ties into the League of League Honor System and the Hextech Crafting System.
There are 5 levels to this Honor system and there are checkpoints after each level. When each level or checkpoint is reached, players receive Honor Capsules. These contain various items such as champions shards and emotes. Players can get BE out of both of these by disenchanting the shards and champions they get.
However, capsules aren’t the only method for obtaining BE and champions. Y’aar, mateys, thar be treasure chests!
If players have reached a rating of S-tier or higher in a match, they can get chests and a fair bit of Blue Essence via the champion shards obtained. However, you’ll kind of have to walk the plank on this one because you can’t actually open them without keys!
You will need to farm up (or buy) at least 3 key fragments for a Hextech key before you can open the chests and get your sweet loot.
Exchange Event Tokens
An event token in League of Legends is kind of similar to that of those paper tickets you get for playing games like “Bop the Weasel” or “Skeet Ball” (my favorite).
Of course, you don’t get a weird plastic mustache or a whistle to annoy your parents with when you exchange these tokens.
One event token equates to roughly 10 Blue Essence. Players get these by playing through the event tasks and missions.
But as we mentioned earlier, you can only play so many games in an event. That same loophole for the Event Missions exists for Event Tokens as well. Buying a Battle Pass will allow you to get more if you’re already at your token maximum.
However – this isn’t the most efficient approach to farm up Blue Essence, as Event Tokens are really best spent on event-specific rewards like skins, summoner icons, emotes, and more.
Gaming It Out
As mentioned in the beginning, BE is something players don’t really have to pay for, at least not hard cash anyway.
However, I wouldn’t really say it’s free either. The price to pay is your time and effort in playing the game. Being on your A-game each and every match is the most reliable way of obtaining Blue Essence in League of Legends.
How Much Blue Essence Do You Get Per Game?
Remember those group projects you would have to do in school? The most annoying thing was that you all got the same grade on the project no matter how much or how little someone contributed.
Fortunately with Blue Essence, how much you get is closely tied to how you perform in the game. For most players, the amount sits somewhere between 60-100.
LoL Blue Essence FAQ
Need more answers to some smoldering questions about how to get Blue Essence in League of Legends? Keep reading to cover some of these topics and learn more about farming up BE in LoL quickly and efficiently.
How Long Does It Take To Get 6300 Blue Essence?
In the past, it used to take 73 games. However, since now your reward changes with your level, at higher levels (level 100 and up) it can take as long as 110 games to hit 6,300 Blue Essence.
Can You Gift Blue Essence To Friends?
Nope – but you can do it with Riot Points (RP). The problem with having the ability to gift things such as Blue Essence to other people is that this can easily be abused.
Someone can just make multiple accounts and start farming Blue Essence then sell off the accounts. Just like that one person buying all the best seats for a concert then selling it off for absurd prices.
Sure, you get an account with Blue Essence already in pocket, but would you really feel that good about it?
Where Do I Spend Blue Essence?
You can spend all your hard-earned Blue Essence exclusively at the Riot Store in-game. Here you can buy all your League essentials like champions (these can be obtained with champions shards too), and extra rune pages.
Can I Buy Blue Essence?
Not at the moment – the only way that you can get Blue Essence in League of Legends is by playing matches and leveling up, as well as the things that happen as a consequence (chests, events, and other loot).
After all, if you’re willing to spend money on BE, may as well just buy the champion with RP.
Does ARAM Give Blue Essence?
Yes, the ARAM (All Random All Mid) game mode awards Blue Essence too. However, it’s done indirectly compared to your standard matches.
You’ll need to level up before you reap the rewards. Much like the Honor system, you get a capsule when you level up. This capsule doesn’t contain straight-up Blue Essence.
It has champion shards that you can then disenchant to get more Blue Essence in League of Legends.
How Much Blue Essence Do I Need To Change My Name In LoL
At the moment, changing your name in League of Legends costs a whopping 13,900 Blue Essence – so it might be more time-efficient to spend RP on it.
However, there are also some ways on how to change your name in league of legends for free that you can check out in order to save your hard-earned currency, and get your summoner name swapped out.
Closing Thoughts
“You reap what you sow” comes to mind for this closing statement. After all, this is the key idea behind this League of Legends How To Get Blue Essence guide.
You can’t buy BE, it’s the reward you’re granted for your effort in playing League. And today, we’ve covered what Blue Essence is, how you can get it, what you may want to spend it on, and some other important questions you might have had about this in-game currency.
Now that you’re more up-close-and-personal with Blue Essence – we’d love to hear the best thing you feel you spent your Blue Essence on or even an epic story on how you hit the Blue Essence jackpot.
Let us know in the comments below!