If you’re an old-school League of Legends player – we’ve got some VERY exciting news for you!
Named after Zilean’s ultimate – The Chronoshift project is a community-led endeavor that aims to bring back the time-lost versions of the game and re-introduce them to the wider League of Legends player base en-masse.
What Is The Chronoshift Project All About?
Of course, while the project isn’t endorsed or officially supported by Riot Games – it’s garnering a lot of attention and quite a bit of fanfare within the old-school League of Legends community.
The old map design, pre-rework champion pool, and even the stupidly face-roll-ish IMBA builds (much like some of the best bot lane combos we see in Season 10) that ran rampant in the game a decade ago will all be there for players to enjoy and partake in, once the project is completed.

At the moment, the final build of the project will have players set foot in a 2010 version of the game (which came prior to the first season Championship held the following year). However, there are plans from the team behind Chronoshift to expand the pool of available versions of the game in an effort to include other builds, such as a 2014 version.
And here’s some good news for you nostalgic folks – the current version of the project is already in testing!
This version features the 65 champions that preceded Trundle along with the ultimate troll himself. Bundled with this are the old summoner spells, old Twisted Treeline and Summoner’s Rift maps along with the old rune system and the items that made the game so fun back in the day.
Closing Thoughts
While the project has been in development for a number of years at this point – it’s just now that the team has really sought to garner some publicity for their work. And publicity they got!
However, the fact that news of the Chronoshift project has spread around the community like a wildfire means that it’s highly likely that Riot Games will intervene in its development. Though many speculate that this sort of intervention could spell the end of the project – with games like World Of Warcraft, RuneScape, and more joining the “oldschool version” train – Riot could potentially get involved in a far more positive manner than players anticipate.
Let us know what you think of the project and whether or not you’ll be playing once it’s released in the comments below!