Trying to figure out how to appear offline in League of Legends? Follow along as we cover all the best ways to fall off the grid in-game.
Everyone has those days where they don’t want to talk to anybody.
And for those times, it’s too bad things like Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak don’t exist.
Fortunately, you can make it seem like you have one while you’re playing League of Legends. We will take you through some ways of how you can do this in this guide.
The League Of Legends Friends List
Your friends list is a convenient list of people you’d like to keep in contact with and keep tabs on.
This list is found on the right-hand side of the screen, much like Facebook Messenger on a desktop/laptop screen. Here, you are able to chat with your friends, invite them to play together, or spectate any of their current games.
Why Would You Want To Appear Offline In LoL
It’s no secret that there are plenty of reasons that you’d want to dodge the prying eyes of your friend group. From spats and conflict to just plainly being in a “not so social” type of mood – here are some of the more typical reasons that people choose to ghost themselves.
Personal Space & Privacy
How would you feel if you were playing a game and your entire family and group of friends showed up to watch you?
It would probably put a lot of pressure on you to do well and not mess up anywhere, right? After all, hearing “Remember that time (your name) scored a goal on his own goalie?” doesn’t make for a fun after-game conversation.
Appearing offline takes away some of this pressure and stress if you’re worried about judgement while you’re playing League.
Your friends may still know you’re playing the game but they won’t know right away since you don’t look online.
Need To Focus
Chatting with someone while you’re trying to strategize and being blasted at by an enemy is tough.
Not to mention all the other things in League that players need to do!
Things like figuring out how many skins are in LoL, doing a deep-dive into Hextech Crafting, getting more rune pages, watching replays of their own games, and planning out their approach on future matches.
All of this takes up just as much time as actually playing through a game. And if no one knows you’re online, you get to place more focus on what you need or want to do.
Avoiding Someone
Friends do avoid one another sometimes. Nothing personal!
We’ve all probably had that moment in school where we need to do a group project then all the work gets piled onto only one person.
The expectation of doing a good job falls onto that one person. And it can really be the same in League, especially when you’re playing with a friend.
Appearing offline can take away some of that stress and expectation from other players.
Undoubtedly, pranks between friends are just unavoidable. However, when your career or reputation is on the line, a harmless prank can create some serious problems.
That’s why sometimes, it’s a good idea to just appear offline to your friends while you stream.
Will it stop a maximum-effort-input prank? Likely not – but it definitely drops the incentive behind the whole idea.
While having a boosted account may make you look like an amazing player, seeing that it’s a boosted account isn’t so amazing to other players, especially when those players are your friends.
In fact, some may even see it as cheating and report you to the developers.
Appearing offline can help you cover up the fact that you were being boosted, at least it’ll make it so that your friends aren’t immediately tipped off.
Though they’ll still be able to see the crazy win streak in your match history – so you’ll likely have some explaining to do either way.
How To Appear Offline In League Of Legends
Whatever your reason may be for wanting to appear offline, let’s get onto helping you figure out how to appear offline in League of Legends.
At the moment, there are only two real ways to accomplish this.
Method 1: Block The LoL Chat Client Via Your Firewall
This is a more tech-savvy and complicated way to avoid players online. This method blocks the communication between your computer and the game’s chat server that you’re playing on.
Follow the steps below to do this:
- Enable and turn on your Windows Firewall.
- Open Command Prompt (cmd.exe).
- In the Command Prompt window, copy and paste the following line: “netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=”lolchat” dir=out remoteip= action=block”
- Hit the Enter key and it’s should run right away.
As noted earlier, this helps you cut off the communication between your PC and the LoL chat server – granting you anonymity without restricting your ability to play the game.
How To Undo This & Appear Online In LoL Again
If you feel like socializing again, you just need to repeat the above steps 1-4.
However, you’ll need to change the code you paste to: “netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name=”lolchat” “.
Method 2: Use An App Like Deceive
Remember that Harry Potter cloak we talked about earlier? Well – this is League’s equivalent!
The LoL app Deceive is basically an invisibility cloak in downloadable program form.
This program hides your online activity in-game. It will have you appear offline to your entire Friends List. And even though you can still send out invitations to other players and start charts with them, players are not able to send them to you.
Can I Get Banned Because Of Deceive?
Nope! Riot has confirmed that you will not be banned for using this program.
Can I Still Use LoL Chat While Using Deceive?
Short answer: Yes. The longer answer is that you can still start chats with people on your friends list, as well as participate in your LoL clubs discussions, and general lobby chats as well.
Does Deceive Work On All Servers?
Yes! But only the official Riot servers, Garena, and other partner platforms won’t work, at least for now.
Closing Thoughts
If you’ve kept up with us this far into the read- we hope that we’ve got you up to speed on how to skulk around the League client without anyone knowing.
Today, we covered the best ways to ghost yourself in-game and we’ve even answered any questions you may have had about how to appear offline in League of Legends.
And now that we’ve shared what we know – it’s our turn to hear from you!
What are some of the reasons that you’ve been keen to appear offline in LoL? Creepy players? Trolls? Annoying friends? Let us know in the comments below.