Check out our all-in-one Maple Story Reboot leveling guide to learn about the top tips and tricks to help you powerlevel efficiently on the new and improved hardcore server.
It’s no secret that Maple Story is one of those iconic games. Whether you haven’t stopped playing since elementary school or even if your nostalgia is spiking – the Reboot server released back in 2017 should definitely up your alley.
However, given that the Reboot server is “hardcore” and bears a few differences from the rest of the public servers – you’ll need a bit of a helping hand to make sure you’re leveling as efficiently and quickly as possible.
This is why we’ve decided to piece together our own take on the best Maple Story reboot leveling guide to help you grind through the hardcore server in record time – with all tips and tricks updated for 2020.
Below, we’ll cover the best spots to rain and get experience, the best quest routes to take, and an assortment of tips and tricks to help you progress faster between levels 1 – 275.
Let’s dive right in!
So, What’s Different With Reboot?
Before we dive head-first into our powerleveling guide, let’s cover the essential differences between Reboot and regular Maple Story servers.
There are 5 key differences to keep in mind:
1. Ironman Mode – akin to other games like RuneScape, or the SSF league in Path of Exile, Reboot is an ironman server. This means you can’t trade or transfer anything between accounts or characters.
2. Learn All Professions – due to the fact that Maple Story Reboot is a hardcore server, you can learn all 5 crafting professions available since you won’t be able to trade with other players for gear and materials.
3. Monster Scaling – the monsters on Reboot are tougher to kill, but award way more experience (EXP) and drop a bunch of extra meso.
4. Easier Equipment Upgrades – forget about bonus potential, spell traces, and scrolls. You’ll only have normal potential and star force, but on the flip side, your character scales way more as they gain levels.
5. No Pay-To-Play – since there’s no trading, Nexon also modded out the Cash Shop. Most power-granting items were removed, and others were assigned a cost in meso, meaning you’ll have to farm for them.
How To Powerlevel In Maple Story Reboot – Levels 1 to 275
Now that we’ve got a solid grasp on what the biggest differences you’ll see between the main game and reboot are – let’s get into the meat and bones.
Below, I’ll take you through the best Maple Story Reboot leveling guide to help you pick out the right mobs, areas, and routes for optimal experience gain.
Video Overview Of Levels 1 – 200
If written guides aren’t for you, you may want to take a few minutes to breeze through Coppersan’s guide on training Reboot’s new class up to 200, and then covering the last stretch using our written guide.
Levels 1 to 60 – The Early Game (Job 1 & 2)

Levels 1 – 10: Class (Job) Quests
To get to level 10, all you need to do is follow the job quests you’re assigned across Henesys.
Levels 10 – 23: The Golem’s Temple 3
If you go right from Henesys, you’ll end up at The Golem’s Temple 3. This is a very compact map layout, with tons of mobs to farm.
The predominant mob you’ll want to kill here is going to be the Flaming Mixed Golem, as they offer the best EXP between levels 10 and 20. They offer 54 EXP on Reboot and have a total of 525 HP.
Personally, I recommend sticking around a little longer to hit level 23 before moving on to the next area.
Levels 23-30: North Forest Green Tree Trunk
Once you’ve reached Ellinia, you can take the portal at the top right, and then run over to the North Forest Green Tree Trunk to reach this area.
Just like the Golem’s Temple 3, this is a very densely packed map with a nice and open layout, making it very easy to farm.
Here, you’ll be killing the Curse Eye mobs to rush from level 23 up to 30. Though, you could easily do levels 31 and 32 here as well to save some time.
These mobs offer 75 experience each, with 1,300 HP for you to shred through.
Levels 30-40: Gold Beach Dungeon
Ever since the updates to the 3 starting dungeons, the mobs now scale their HP and EXP to match your level up to level 59, making them one of the best ways to hit level 60 quickly.
You’ll be starting out at Gold Beach (I recommend Seaside 2), and your target this time around is the Violet Clam Slime.
To get to this map, you’ll need to talk to Pilot Irvin at the Six Path Crossway – remember to take the second portal to the right from the Gold Beach town.
Alternative: If Gold Beach isn’t quite up your alley, you may want to run the Ellinel Fairy Academy instead, which is also a theme dungeon that scales just like Gold Beach.
Levels 40-45: East Pantheon Enchanted Forest
While you could definitely stick it out at theme dungeons until level 59 or even 60, there are much faster ways to train.
The fastest EXP gain you’ll get between 40 and 45 is going to come from the Gravi Stonegar mobs found at East Pantheon: Enchanted Forest.
To get here, you’ll need to take the Interdimensional Portal at the Six Path Crossway to get to the Pantheon, where you’ll take the portal on the far right. You’ll have to walk the rest of the way using your world map – though it’s pretty quick.
The level 41 Gravi Stonegar mobs offer 294 EXP on Reboot, with around 25,000 HP for you to shred through.
Pro Tip: If your character is a bit ahead on the power-curve, you can start here at level 35.
Levels 45-60: Burnt Land Wild Boar Land
Once you’ve hit 45, it’s time to go hunt for some boars! Go back to Perion, and take the portal to the very top right of the town, then walk to the Wild Boar Land.
Here you’ve got a very dense map, chuck-full of mobs, with an absolutely incredible spawn rate – making this one of the fastest level gaps for you to cross.
The Wild Boar and their Terrified variants offer 355 EXP, with 24,000 HP.
Note: AoE classes and high-mobility jobs do incredibly well here and speed up the farming by a fair bit.
Level 50: First Boss, Easy Zakum
Bingo – you’ve hit your first big milestone in our Maple Story Reboot leveling guide!
At level 50, you can now start killing the easy version of Zakum. This not only provides decent loot but a fair bit of EXP at level 50.
Alternative 55-60 (Or Even 65): Excavation Site Military Camp 1
If you’re bored of hunting Boars, maybe it’s time to switch gears a bit. The alternative I’ve got to offer is Skeledogs and Mummydogs that you’ll find at the Excavation Site Military Camp 1.
These mobs give a total of 614 experience points on Reboot and have just over 50,000 HP. This makes them a very quick and easy mob to farm, which means you’ll be breezing through levels very quickly here.
Note: Arguably, this offers slightly better EXP gain than sitting at the Theme Dungeons from levels 40-60, but you’re welcome to follow either route.
Levels 60 to 100 – Advancing Your Third Job

Levels 60-75: Silent Swamp
If you’ve played Maple Story in the past, you likely already know this spot as one of the good old classics.
Thankfully, in Maple Story Reboot, leveling by killing Copper Drakes still keeps its crowned spot thanks to the fact that they give a huge amount of EXP compared to how easy they are to farm.
Keep in mind – due to how popular this spot is, finding your own channel can be a bit of a grind. So, if you’re not into channel hopping, I’d recommend that you move over to the Humid Swamp, where you’ll also find plenty of Copper Drakes.
The Copper Drakes offer 724 EXP and have around 64,000 HP on Maple Story Reboot.
Levels 75-85: Ice Valley I & II
While some players choose to stay at Copper Drakes until levels 77 or even 80, in Reboot, it’s actually not that advantageous. Personally, I recommend that you run the Ice Valley I and Ice Valley II maps in order to kill White Fangs.
These mobs have 243,000 HP, which means the kills will be a tad slower, however, they offer 1,950 EXP per kill – making them one of the best ways to get from level 75 to 85 in the blink of an eye in Maple Story Reboot.
Levels 85 – 100: Sahel 2 / Nihal Desert
This whole area is awesome for leveling thanks to the dense spawns of Sand Rats and Scorpions that you’ve got here.
These little critters give around 2,900 EXP and have right around 400,000 HP. However, if your character is on-par with the power curve or ahead, you’ll be shredding through them like butter, making this a very very quick area to level through.
Alternatively, you can also grind the Alcadno Research Institute Lab for Iron Mutae and Roid / Neo Huroid farming. But I wouldn’t recommend it as it’s significantly slower.
Level 100 – Big Boss Time (Normal Zakum)
Once you ding your first triple-digit-level, you’re ready to fight Normal Zakum. Typically, killing him would get you to level 105 off the bat.
You can get to him by using the boss menu or talking with your instructor in El Nath.
But, what if you’re not comfortable with the boss just yet? Easy – head over to the Sky Nest 3 in Minar Forest and farm Blood Harps there until level 105, or even 115 if you like.
Pro Tip: Don’t forget to grab a rune before fighting the boss, as you’ll be missing out on a whole bunch of EXP otherwise.
Levels 100 to 140 – Advancing Job 4

Levels 105-115: Sky Nest 3 / Minar Forest
If you skipped the boss fight, then you’re already well familiar with the Blood Harps you’ll find at Sky Nest 3 in Minar Forest.
These mobs give you just under 7,400 EXP, with 1,356,825 HP for you to shred through.
However, keep in mind that you’ll need to meet the minimum star-force requirement of 5 stars to really get the most out of training here.
If you don’t have 5+ star force, you’ll do way less damage to the Blood Harps, and it will take you far longer to kill them, wrecking your hourly EXP gain.
In addition to this, keep an eye out for channels that have the burning stage mobs spawned, as these mobs will reward you with double the EXP you’d normally get – which is huge!
Level 105+ Daily Dungeon – Monster Park
When you hit level 105, your character unlocks access to the Monster Park special dungeon. You can enter the dungeon twice a day, without any cost.
I’d seriously recommend you to run the dungeon daily as it gives some absolutely insane EXP.
In addition to this, it’s also important to note that Reboot allows you to get more entry tickets for mesos that you’ve farmed up, so you may be able to do a few runs over the two free entries every day.
Learn More About The Monster Park Dungeon
Levels 115-140: Hidden Street Unbalanced Time
Clocking in as the second hidden level on our list, once we hit level 115, we’ll want to move to Hidden Street Unbalanced Time in order to farm Ghost Pirates.
This is a very straightforward layout, with tons of mobs spawning, and a fantastic spawn rate to boot, making it a very farmable map.
Getting here is pretty easy – just go through the Ludibrium Warped Path of Time 3 and find the orange portal on the far right side of the map’s top end.
The level 119 Ghost Pirates themselves require 26 star force to farm efficiently, awarding 12,636 EXP, packing just over 3,279,000 HP.
Pro Tip: If you’re struggling to up your gear in order to meet the steep star force requirement for the Dual Ghost Pirates, you can farm the Moon Bunnies at the Black Mountain Entrance in the Korean Folk Town. I’d recommend doing a few Hilla runs as well to balance out your gear progression.
Levels 140 to 200 – Advancing Your 4th Job & Hyper Skills

Levels 140-145 (Or 150): Black Wyvern’s Nest / Minar Forest
You can actually start this area a little earlier, at level 135. This map offers some of the best EXP in the mid 100’s thanks to the Dark Wyverns you’ll find here.
These mobs give an insane 27,338 EXP on Maple Story Reboot, considering that they’re only level 131, with just over 8 million HP.
Getting here is quite easy too – just take the Danger Zone taxi from Leafre to get to the Entrance to Dragon Nest, then just follow the world map.
However, there’s a bit of a catch – you’ll need 65+ star force to get the full EXP from them. Now, if you don’t have the star force, I’d recommend farming Yellow King Goblins instead at the Korean Folk Town.
Note: If your character is WAY ahead of the power curve, you can start farming Normal Horntail after level 135.
Levels 145-155: The Dragon Nest Left Behind 2 / Minar Forest
Once you’ve hit the appropriate level and grabbed 70 star force, it’s time to buckle up and head back into the Minar Forest in search of Skelosauruses and Skelegons.
These critters are both great for EXP, though it should be mentioned that Skelosauruses offer significantly more due to being level 153, in comparison to the Skelegons being only level 147.
Either way, the experience gain you’ll get here is nothing short of awesome – cementing this location in as one of the top farming spots on our Maple Story Reboot leveling guide for 2020.
You’ll be getting just short of 40,660 EXP from the Skelosauruses, which have 13,698,000 HP. And the Skelegons will award you with 33,069 EXP for their 10,692,000 HP.
Alternative: If you don’t have the star force requirement (70) to kill these mobs, you can head to Kerning Tower instead to kill Peeved Perm Machines.
Levels 155-170: Time Lane Detour To Oblivion 4
Once you’ve got a Hyper Teleport Rock, and 90 star force, you’ve got the requirements needed to speed-farm through the Time Lane Detour to Oblivion 4 map.
Here, you’ll be fighting 3 types of mobs:
1. Chief Oblivion Guardian (lvl 166) – 21,489,000 HP and 55,374 EXP.
2. Oblivion Guardian (lvl 164) – 19,906,000 HP and 51,894 EXP.
3. Eye of Time (lvl 160) – 16,896,000 HP and 45,123 EXP.
All three mobs spawn in a cluster, so killing them should be quick if you’ve got some AoE skills ready.
Alternative: If you don’t meet the star force requirement, you can farm Mutant Slimes at the North Hill of Henesys Ruins.
Level 170-190: Mothership Corridor H03
If you’re looking for quick and breezy EXP gain and don’t mind a relatively high star force requirement (140) – the Gray Luxury Saucers are fantastic mobs to keep on your radar.
The mobs give just over 89,400 EXP and have 51,516,000 HP at level 180.
However, while they give some great experience, some players choose to leave the area at level 185 for Future Perion. But make sure you’ve got the start force requirements and strength before you move on.
Alternative: If 140 star force is a tad too steep for you, the next best area is the Kingdom Road Corrupted Magic Forest 1 where you can kill Corrupted Basic Magicians. Arguably, this may even be the better choice since they have very little HP and provide a tonne of experience points.
Levels 185-200: Forsaken Excavation Site 2 / Twilight Perion
Once you hit level 185-190, I’d recommend that you make the journey to Twilight Perion.
The layout of the Forsaken Excavation Site 2 map is absolutely magical, and when you throw insane experience gain and a super quick respawn rate into the mix – this map is the undisputed best way to hit level 200 efficiently.
Here, you’ll be fighting the Sinister Rocky Masks which give 159,502 EXP for their 63,163,000 HP at level 195.
Levels 200 to 275 – Advancing Your Fifth & Final Job (Arcane River Spam)

Levels 200-210: Weathered Land Of Rage / Lake of Oblivion @ Arcane River
Going through the Vanishing Journey, I’d recommend that you farm the Weathered Land Of Rage map for the crazy clusters of Ragind Erda that spawn there.
Not only are they great loot, but you’ll be netting a solid 233,194 EXP per kill too.
And you’ll only need 30 Arcane Force to access the full EXP drops.
Pro Tip: If you have 1.5x the Arcane Force required for the map you’re farming, you will deal a tonne of extra bonus damage to mobs. This will speed up your leveling substantially!
Levels 210-220: Chu Chu Island / Arcane River
Once you hit level 210, I’d recommend that you move over to the SLurpy Forest (Depths) in Chu Chu Island. Here, you’ll find two great mobs to farm – the Angry Flyon and Ripe Wolfruit.
Both of these mobs are level 213 and award 611,358 EXP for their 271,991,160 health. However, they do have a requirement of 100 Arcane Force to farm efficiently.
Pro Tip: Once you have 130+ Arcane Force, move over to the Eree Valley instead to fight Green and Blue Catfish, which award significantly more EXP for comparable HP.
Levels 220-230: Lachelein Night Market
Once you hit 210 Arcane Force, it’s time to check out the bustling Chicken Festival 2 map in Lachelein’s Night Market. Here you’ll find Galluses, which offer some very good EXP, falling just slightly behind Dreeamkeepers (240 Arcane Force).
Galluses are level 222 and give you 741,687 EXP for their 335,273,524 HP.
Pro Tip: Once you get 240 Arcane Force, go to the Nightmare Clocktower 2F in the Lachelein Clocktower. The Dreamkeepers there offer significantly more EXP, making your leveling progression much faster.
Levels 230-250: The Forest Of Earth / Arcana
Here, you’ll be fighting Earth Spirits, which are level 232 and give you close to 1 Million EXP (940,189 to be exact) for just over 459,495,040 HP.
Keep in mind that you’ll need to build up to 280 Arcane Force to get the full experience gain.
But, what if you’ve topped that? If you have over 360 Arcane Force, I’d recommend that you go farm Befuddled Spirits at the Cavern Lower Path in Arcana instead.
Pro Tip: While some people like to hang around Morass after they ding, I recommend skipping it outright. There are a few quests you’ll have to complete – but besides that, the area doesn’t offer anything rewarding as the maps are laid out poorly, and spawn rates are low for mobs that you’ll find there.
Levels 250-255: Labyrinth Of Suffering Interior 5 / Tenebris
This level range is actually quite awkward. At this point, Arcana doesn’t offer enough EXP to hit 255 efficiently, but farming Limina, which gives the best EXP in the game isn’t quite feasible yet.
Well, dear reader, I’ve got just the solution for you!
Go run the Moonbridge storyline quests and once they’re done, head on over to the Tenebris: Labyrinth of Suffering Interior 5. Here, you’ll be farming Dark Miscreations and Dark Constructs which are both level 244 and offer 1,474,233 EXP for their 1Billion HP. However, you’ll need to have 760+ Arcane Force to get the full experience benefit.
Note: If you forgot to unlock the Moonbridge storyline, you’ll first need to go and run the Esfera quest chain in order to access it.
Levels 255-275: Limina
Give yourself a pat on the back, you’re almost there! Hitting level 255 awards you access to one of the easiest and best EXP-yielding areas in the entire game, and the crown jewel of our Maple Story Reboot leveling guide, Limina.
Wrap up the quests in Labyrinth of Suffering and head on over, pitch a tent, and grind until max level!
Personally, I’d recommend sticking to the End of the World 1 to 5 maps. They spawn two mobs that we’ll be interested in, Ascendions and Foreberions. Both of these mobs offer just north of 1.6 Million EXP and pack 1.1+ Billion HP at levels 262 and 263 respectively.
Now, while this is definitely a fantastic zone to train, you will need to hit 880 Arcane Force before you can train here efficiently, so don’t slack off!
Closing Thoughts
Whew – what a grind! If you’ve stuck it out with us all the way up until this point in our Maple Story Reboot leveling guide, you’re an absolute champ, and we’re proud of you.
In this guide, I’ve laid out the best areas to train at for every level between levels 1 and 275, as well as my top tips and tricks for leveling up quickly and efficiently.
With that, go forth and conquer!
P.S. If you’d like to include any information I may have missed, or if you’ve got questions about particular zone choices, feel free to post your take in the comments below.