Trying to figure out how to log out of League of Legends? Follow along as we show you some of the most popular ways this can be done.
Whether you feel like you’ve played enough League for the time being or because your parents are yelling at you to do your homework, you’ll need to know how to log out of League of Legends properly.
While this might sound like a pretty straightforward thing to do – you’d be surprised at how many people regularly ponder over the topic online.
In today’s guide – we’ve thrown together a few simple tips on how to do this.
How To Log Out Of League Of Legends
Logging out sounds like a simple task but it’s an important one to know how to do correctly. There are several ways this can be done, and below, we’ll cover each of them and give you the down-low on which way you should opt for in different situations.
The Easiest Way To Log Out Of LoL
By far, the easiest way to log out of the game is to use the log out function inside of the League of Legends client.

Here are the steps you’ll need to take:
- Open your League of Legends Client.
- Look for the familiar Minimize and Close buttons at the top right-hand corner.
- Click on the Close (x) button.
- You will have 2 options for confirmation:
- Exit – log out and exit the client – keep in mind that you will remain logged in if you click on “remain signed in” when you logged in.
- Sign Out – Log out from the client only.
League Froze? Log Out Via The Task Manager
Sometimes your computer gives you that “deer in the headlights” look. Don’t take the keyboard to it. Just keep calm and do one of the following steps to log out of the game, depending on your operating system.
Here are the steps for Windows users:
- To open Task Manager, hit Ctrl + Alt + Del.
- In Windows Task Manager, right-click on the League of Legends application.
- Click End Task.
Here are the steps for MacOS users:
- In MacOS, you can just Force Quit the League of Legends application.
Again, if you chose to remain logged in, doing this won’t log you out as it’s only ending the client process, not kicking your account out.
However, this is way safer than doing a Hard Reset which could damage both your hardware and software. We’ll go through that method later on.
Can’t Close The Game Window? Log Out Via Alt + F4
This method can also be used if League freezes on you or if you can’t see the Close (x) button at the top right corner.
Using the Alt + F4 key-combination works the same as if you pressed the X button to close it manually.
However, if your game DOES freeze on you, you will have to relaunch it so you can log out properly.
Computer Stuck? Reset Your PC
Like everything and everyone, computers get overworked and then freeze. This method is basically a “last resort” when all the above-mentioned ones won’t work. This is called a Hard Reset.
This can be done in several different ways:
- Pressing the Reset Button – this is usually found next to your Power button.
- Long-pressing the Power button.
- Disconnecting the power source – this is NOT recommended as it can damage your computer.
Did Your LoL Account Get Stolen / Hacked? Reset Your Password
Have you ever forgotten to log out of Facebook then woke up the next day to discover that your account was now deleted because of something inappropriate on your profile?
Unfortunately, identity theft such as this can happen in League of Legends too! Or, maybe you just forgot your password.
Either way, there’s a simple solution: change your password.
Here’s how you can do this:
- Go to the Riot Games Account Center.
- Click on “Can’t Sign In” then “Forgot Password”.
- Choose your region.
- Enter your username and click on the arrow.
- An e-mail will be sent to you to reset your password.
- Click on the link in the e-mail and follow the instructions.
Changing your password will force all your devices that have your Riot Games account information to log out automatically. They will also require you to sign in with your new password.
Why Is Logging Out Of League Of Legends Important?
It’s pretty normal for most people to stay signed in for days on end, or even weeks in some cases. But that’s honestly a pretty darn bad idea!
There are several reasons why it’s important to log out of League of Legends on a regular basis.
We all have our days where we don’t want to be bothered by certain people, even if they’re friends. Logging out may sound like the best option just to avoid someone but that means you’re sacrificing the enjoyment of playing League. An alternative to this would be to throw on an invisibility cloak. Not literally. You can just hide your online status (check out our guide on how to appear offline in League of Legends for more info on how to do this).
Being hacked is also no fun adventure. After all, who knows what kind of shenanigans that hacker can get up to with your account. You could end up with a bill for a champion you didn’t even want or need, a Legendary skin you can’t afford, or worse yet, have your friends angry at you for something you didn’t even say!
Although keeping yourself signed in may be convenient, it’s also not the greatest idea. The phrase “out of sight, out of mind” really does come into play here. Remember, exiting the client will not log you out if you chose this option.
Closing Thoughts
Logging out of League of Legends may seem like a trivial thing but from what you’ve read above, it’s not something to take lightly.
In today’s quick read – we’ve illustrated the many different ways you can log out of League of Legends and the dangers of not logging out completely.
Do any of you League players have a story to share about forgetting to log out of League? Good or bad, we’d love to hear about it in the comments below!