Looking for a Windjammers 2 Tier List to win your next match? Read our latest guide to learn about where each character stands and what the strongest picks are according to your playstyle.
If you’re a fan of fighting games, then Windjammers 2 is the perfect title for you. Combining the best elements of arcade sports and fighting games, it’s no surprise that one of the first questions on gamers’ minds is who are the best characters to play in Windjammers 2?
It’s still too early to definitively say which character is better than another, but we can certainly recognize certain strengths and weaknesses among each character. Whether you prefer a more defensive style or an aggressive approach, there should be something for everyone in this cast of characters.
No matter your style, understanding each character’s advantages and disadvantages can help give you an edge over your opponents. It might take some trial and error to figure out which ones fit your playstyle best – but don’t worry, figuring out the answers is half the fun! So why not jump into Windjammers 2 and find out who makes up your personal tier list?
Enjoying our guide? Have a gander at our Black Desert Mobile Best Class picks for 2023!
D-Rank (Jordi Costa, Gary Scott, Hurricane Max)
Max is a pretty solid choice for Windjammers 2 if you’re looking for a character who hits hard and can tank shots like Wessel. One advantage he has over the latter is his curved shots, which, though not great, exist. He’s definitely one of the bigger-bodied characters out there so if you want that kind of protection without sacrificing too much speed then Max may be worth a go.
Costa also has some good points – notably his super attack which is really fast – but overall he’s just not as powerful as someone like Miller or Delys and tends to fall behind in terms of speed. His throws are slightly more impressive than those of the pure speedball characters but it still won’t necessarily help him turn the tide against opponents with better agility.
When it comes to Scott things get awkward: his dash isn’t great but his walk speed is okayish so he can keep up most of the time on larger arenas – however, he does tend to feel sluggish when playing against faster characters so precision positioning will be key here, especially when playing defensively. All in all, Scott might not offer much compared to others but what makes him unique could give players an edge if played correctly. Still, whichever character you choose from this tier list you’ll need patience and practice to delve deep into their capabilities and make them your own; mastering any game takes time after all!
C-Rank (Loris Biaggi, Disc Man)
Moving on toward the top of the iceberg, we’ve got the middle row, these are some very evenly balanced characters, who are bound to perform very well, and given their low difficulty, even newer players can pick them up quickly without finding them overwhelming.
If you’re looking for a balanced character who can do it all and look great while doing it, then Disc Man is the one for you! With a super attack that’s hard to deal with and an undeniable hilariousness, this secret character will make sure you don’t get too frustrated during your games. Plus, if you want to pick him just spin the analog stick in the four-block radius during the character select screen.
Meanwhile, Biaggi is another great choice if you’re after an even-keel character. His dash is great and his curved shot is solid – he’s quite fast compared to Max but slow when compared to Raposa. However, there is one thing that needs mentioning with Biaggi: his easily stuffable super can be used to his advantage since opponents have to meet it close to the epicenter which leaves them pretty much wide open for a hammer super attack.
B-Rank (Sammy Ho, Jao Raposa, Delys)
Leading off the B-Rankers, we’ve got Ho, who sits right in between Disc Man and Biaggi as far as sheer power output goes. He has decent control and excellent dashes plus he can cover up almost any part of the screen easily – no wonder people consider him one of Windjammers 2’s best characters! Furthermore, he doesn’t have any problem on particular stages so you don’t have much more to worry about when playing with him… except maybe showing off his awesome slap shot! What makes him a B-Ranker is the fact that while he has less all-in-one damage output, he makes up for that with this general control, ease of play, and balance. In fact, in the right hands, Ho could even be an A-Rank character pick.
When it comes to disc control, Raposa is a top-tier pick. He’s the fastest character in the game and has an impressive array of tricky shots to his name. His dash may be a bit stumpy compared to Mita, but that doesn’t stop him from being a great mobile character. On the other hand, Wessel offers more stability with his throws but sacrifices speed for stability.
Delys is another fan favorite who sits comfortably in between the two extremes of power and speed – she’s got great disc control, as well as a pretty fast super attack that can hit targets at the center of the goal, often where you’ll find those all-important five points! Her dash feels similar to Raposa’s though her regular movement speed is noticeably slower. But don’t let that put you off too much – Delys still packs quite a punch when it comes down to it!
The beauty of our Windjammers 2 tier list lies in its diverse cast of characters who each have their own unique strengths and weaknesses. Whether you’re looking for raw speed or precision throws, there’s sure to be someone on this list who suits your playstyle perfectly – so get out there and decide for yourself which one works best for you!
A-Rank (Hiromi Mita, Steve Miller)
Miller and Delys are pretty similar in terms of their speed and power, but Miller edges out Delys with his longer dash. His super attack is also a great tool, as it can be used to surprise opponents who find themselves too far on the top or bottom of the court.
Mita is another great pick for Windjammers players due to her incredible agility and ability to cover the entire court without having to use her dash. Plus, she has good control of the disc which means she can curve it well enough to get some pretty tricky goals – making her invaluable in any match-up. Her only real downside is that her shots don’t have much knock-back power. But if you’re looking for an agile character that will help you stay in control of every arena then Mita’s definitely your girl!
S-Rank (Klaus Wessel)
If you’re looking for a robust character to take into battle, Wessel is your guy. This big dude can pack one hell of a punch, though his sluggish speed may be off-putting at first glance.
Don’t let it fool you though – Wessel makes up for this with an amazing dash that more than compensates and makes him feel like he’s not slow at all! He also has great defensive capabilities, as super shots that would easily knock most opponents into their goal don’t seem to faze him much.
The only downside?
His curved shots are pretty dismal – so don’t think it’s your fault if they don’t land; the curve is just too subtle! To add extra oomph to his already impressive arsenal, equip Wessel with some strong power-ups before heading out onto the court. With these in tow, you’ll have no trouble keeping up with and dominating your competition!
Conclusion – Windjammers 2 Tier List
If you’re looking to dominate the competition? When it comes to picking characters from a Windjammers 2 tier list like ours, it’s important to know which characters are the best for which situations. Our Windjammers 2 tier list and best character picks will guide you toward success! Each of the nine playable characters has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, so understanding how they compare against each other is essential if you want to win.
At the top of our tier list, we have some truly formidable contenders with a combination of speed, power, agility, and special techniques that make them difficult to beat. Of course, even lower-tier characters can still be mastered with practice by experienced gamers – but if you’re just starting out it’s best to prioritize those at the top!
Ultimately, selecting a character for your playstyle is key when deciding who will be on your team in Windjammers 2. So take a look at our quick guide and choose wisely – may luck be on your side as you embark on your next gaming adventure!