Thinking of adopting the one trick pony playstyle? Here are the 5 best champions to one trick in League of Legends.
There’s nothing worse than a breakfast sandwich that’s all bread and barely any jam. In the same manner – spreading your champion pool too thin in League of Legends can spell disaster for your rank and ELO.
So why not go all out and spend the extra time and resources to really hone in on what’s going to make you a stellar player?
Instead of being a lackluster jack of all trades, one tricking a champion in League of Legends can help you stay ahead of the curve. Of course, there are some champions that are just way better to one trick than others.
But how do you pick out the one that’s right for you?
That’s exactly why we’ve put together a quick guide on one tricking and some of the best champions to one trick in League. Keep reading to get a feel for whether it’s the right playstyle for you and take a peek at some of our favorite champions to one trick in LoL.
What Is One Tricking?
To put it simply, one tricking is making your playstyle with a single preferred champion absolutely flawless in every way possible.
As a rule of thumb, this means you’ll play the majority of your League games as this champion, with one or two backup picks in case it gets banned.
So what, that’s it? Not quite!
One tricking doesn’t mean just mindlessly playing the game with that one champion for hours and hours without actually paying any attention to the champion itself.
To be a true one trick master, you’ll need to take note of the finer details and perfect all of the champion’s skills, bit by bit.
Why Is One Tricking Popular?
A big incentive in one tricking is its ability to help you climb in the ranks quickly. And coincidentally, it’s also an easy means of improving your champion. This can catch your opponents off-guard if they don’t know about it or aren’t ready for it.
The Pros & Cons of One Tricking in League of Legends
To really help you get a better feel for whether or not this is the right play-style for you, let’s take a quick second to talk about the upsides and downsides of one tricking in League of Legends.
The Pros
There are a number of benefits when it comes to one tricking.
First and foremost, it saves you time in the long run. Instead of having to learn about multiple champions, you can just spend all your attention and resources on one.
Knowing your champion like the back of your hand lets you strategize easier like a boss. This leads to all sorts of good things: higher win-rates, a higher ELO (rank), and maybe even better team-mates.
Like every superhero, all champions have their rivals. One tricking will help you to learn how to deal with your regular match-ups but also with your greatest rivals. This makes your champion a well-rounded player capable of dealing with the good and the bad.
The Cons
Some downsides to one tricking have to do with your choice of champion as well as the time and effort it takes to really squeeze out everything they’ve got to offer, turning them into a real candidate for the title of being one of the best champions to one trick .
Yes, that last bit does sound like a step backward from what was said above. But, think about it – you need to know your champion well to fully grasp what it’s capable of so you can really pull off some good plays.
If you don’t, it’s like taking a full course load of exams and you skimmed the study material the night before.
Also, when it comes to your choice of champions, sometimes, it can get reworked. Sadly, all that time and effort you spent learning about your champion just went down the drain.
Repetition isn’t the most fun thing to go through either. Playing that one champion over and over, game after game can seriously wear you down over time. This can even make you lose your love for the entire game itself.
Now let’s get into the real reason why you’re probably here!
The 5 Best Champions To One Trick For Every Lane
Having covered the pros and cons of living the one trick lifestyle, let’s get into the meat and bones of this guide – the best one trick champions in League of Legends for each and every lane in the game.
Darius – The Best Top Laner To One Trick

He’s a very aggressive champion, to say the least. But what battle-hardened commander isn’t? If you take a look at his list of abilities and their descriptions, they are BRUTAL.
Think…angry snowball monster on roids – that’s Darius!
Why One Trick Darius?
This champion is able to catch up to his opponents quickly and efficiently with the Summoner combo Flash & Ghost.
And once he gets going, there’s almost no way to stop him – like an insane Energizer bunny with a huge axe and a kit full of abilities meant to make him a total menace in a 1v1 and team fight setting.
Darius’ Q ability also recently got an upgrade that allows him to regenerate off large monsters. This is very helpful when it comes to Jungling – making him a fairly versatile pick that you can play in either role.
Diana – The Best Midlaner To One Trick

Everyone loves a sneaky underdog – and Diana is just that!
She is a Lunarian warrior that is domineering late in the game, absolutely scary in lane, with an equally strong split-push ability to boot – making her one of the best midlane champions and one of the best champions to one trick as well.
Why One Trick Diana?
Underdogs have that tendency to surprise other people. And Diana pulls that off incredibly well.
How do you play against a champion you know next to nothing about? That’s quite the challenge! She can do a lot of damage while being relatively tanky – making her a fantastic pick if you want to bully your opponents out of lane.
As mentioned earlier, she can also split push extremely well; that is, trying to gain the tower advantage by pushing into a weak or undefended lane.
Combine this with her well-balanced kit as well as her ability to play in mid, top, and jungle roles, and you’ve got a pretty good one trick champion on your hands.
Khazix – The Best Jungler To One Trick

At first glance, this piece of nightmare fuel looks like a Xenomorph crossed with a praying mantis adorned with some hornet wings.
There’s also that saying, “What doesn’t kill me only makes me stronger”. And that there is definitely Khazix’s motto!
With one of the most dynamic and versatile kits for an assasin in League of Legends – Khazix, in the right hands, can crush entire teams solo and carry his matches to victory time and time again.
Why One Trick Khazix
Being a hyper-mobile assasin is one advantage Khazix has over his opponents.
One key ability he has is targeting any player that gets isolated from their team. Additionally, if he isn’t seen by the enemy team, he also gets bonus magic damage.
This allows him to really snowball and push his team’s advantage very quickly after just one or two kills in the early stages of the game.
Ashe – The Best ADC To One Trick

Let’s face it – not everyone is good at hand-to-hand combat. Luckily, Ashe is one champion who specializes in devastating long-range attacks with a side of soft and hard CC debuffs.
As they say, practice makes perfect and this is what you’ll have to do to excel in harnessing everything she offers as a solid entry on the list of the best champions to one trick . And while her kit is incredibly simple to get started with – don’t get lured into the trap of trying to be a ninja with her cross-map ultimate.
Why One Trick Ashe?
Launching headfirst into a battle with a strong opponent is never fun. Why not use the advantage of stunning your rivals before you get to them first?
Ashe is able to do this after she reaches level 6, offensively or defensively.
Not only can you stun and kill your opponents, but you can also gather important information from them from anywhere on the map with her Hawkshot ability. All while constantly harassing your opponents in lane by slowing them with her passive (Frost Shot) and dishing out wild bursts of damage with her Q.
One of the biggest points in Ashe’s favor is the simplicity of her kit. It’s practically brainless! However, in contrast to this – her potential as an ADC is absolutely insane in the right hands.
Thresh – The Best Support To One Trick

If you enjoy taking on the responsibility of babysitting your death-prone teammates, while helping your carry lock on to squishies and secure kill after kill to put your team ahead – Thresh is likely the king when it comes to the best champions to one trick in the support role.
Why One Trick Thresh?
One of the biggest reasons that Thresh dominates just about every matchup is his incredibly versatile kit. He’s a great tank, deals very decent damage (check out this Thresh ADC build), has an amazing engage to secure roaming kills, and can hard disengage to keep your team out of trouble just as well.
Taking key objectives is a breeze and as long as your carries know how to point and click, you’ll come out ahead in most scenarios.
What Makes Best One Trick Champions & LoL One Tricks?
There are a number of factors that contribute to making a good candidate for the roster of the best champions to one trick in League of Legends.
The amount of power and ability they have available to them, whether or not they have an early power spike, and how easy it is for them to snowball can make a big difference as to whether a champion should be worthwhile as a one trick.
The endgame here is the ability to play solo, dominate your lane, get early objectives, build on that lead, and carry the game while being able to switch gears and play in a team-setting from time to time.
Closing Thoughts
Hopefully, this has been a helpful guide on one tricking and some of the best champions to one trick in League of Legends.
Keep in mind, these were just 4 of the many champions that are out there in League.
Do you agree with this list or is there another champion that you favor for a specific role? Feel free to share your thoughts with us in the comments below!